The Province of Omaha National Council of Catholic Women celebrated their 50th anniversary July 18, 2022, at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church in Grand Island, NE, with 47 ladies, 4 ZOOM attendees and 5 Spiritual Advisers present. The Province of Omaha includes all of Nebraska and is comprised of the Archdiocese of Omaha and the Dioceses of Lincoln and Grand Island. Following rolls and coffee, the group prayed the Living Rosary and was greeted by host council OACCW President Lauren Bopp. Arch/Diocesan and Spiritual Adviser reports were followed by “Human from Day 1” by Angela Copenhaver. Ms. Copenhaver explained her advertising plan that endeavors to move those who are “Middle Minded” on the topic of Preborn Human Life to the mindset of protecting ALL Humans.
The main celebrant for mass was Bishop Joseph Hanefeldt. The group enjoyed a luncheon followed by pictures in the Courtyard. Bishop Hanefeldt’s afternoon talk encouraged us to give praise to God for 50 years, look for ways and signs of renewal, go forward with hope as there is more to be done, and trust in the Lord’s Providence.
After completion of the business meeting, the Province Director Theresa Pavlik and Past Province Directors Marylin Ericksen, Agnes Anderson, Deanna Reardon, Darleen Schulte, Jo Ann Messing and Susan Johnson shared a story about their two-years as Province Director. The day concluded on a sweet note—a 50th anniversary birthday cake.
Submitted by Susan Johnson