TOBET 4 Engagedis a great resource which will help engaged and newly married couples
World Wide Marriage Encounter
At a Worldwide Marriage Encounter, the original and continually updated marriage enrichment program, you get away from the distractions of everyday life and focus on each other. CLICK HERE for more information on WWME and upcoming dates.
Retreat Centers
Diocese of Lincoln offers a number of retreats for marriages and engaged couples including Engaged Encounter, Worldwide Marriage Encounter, and Retrouvaille along with others. CLICK HERE for more information.
Diocese of Sioux Falls Broom Tree Retreat Center offers marriages, healing, and other retreats. Broom Tree also offers youth and family camps. CLICK HERE for more information.
Diocese of Wichita Spiritual Life Center offers a variety of retreats including Healing Heart retreats. CLICK HERE for more information.
Archdiocese of Kansas City Kansas Christ Peace Retreat Center offers a variety of retreats. CLICK HERE for more information.
In 1993, during his visit to Colorado for World Youth Day, Pope St. John Paul II prayed and blessed the Chapel. He also hiked along the trails on the St. Malo Camp property. Later the trail was renamed the John Paul II Trail.
The Shrine of the Grotto of the Redemption west Bend, IA The story of how the Grotto came into being is as moving as are the scenes it portrays. It is generally told as a fact that as a young seminarian, Father Dobberstein became critically ill with pneumonia. As he fought for his life he prayed to the Blessed Virgin Mary (the Mother of God) to intercede for him for the grace of health. He promised to build a shrine in her honor of he lived. The illness passed, the student completed his studies and after his ordination, he came to West Bend as Pastor in 1898. For over a decade he was stockpiling rocks and precious stones.
Diocesan Family Resources
Life Linesoffers Emergency and other Help Resources in the Grand Island area.