Father Hugh, along with his classmate Father Steve Deaver, will be honored this year at the chrism Mass as they celebrate 65 years of ordination to the priestly ministry.
Dominican Sister of Peace Charlene Vogel (87), a native of Grand Island, Nebraska died on February 6, 2024, at Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center, Danville, Kentucky.
The National Eucharistic Congress, scheduled to take place in Indianapolis on July 17-21, is a milestone event within the three-year grassroots movement of the Eucharistic Revival.
Listening sessions will be held on Tuesday, January 30, from 7:00-8:30pm at Christ the King Church in Gering, and on Tuesday, February 6, from 7:00-8:30PM at Resurrection Church in Grand Island.
Celebrated on the first Sunday after Christmas, the feast of the Holy Family is appropriately placed on the liturgical calendar linking the Incarnation of Jesus to the human family who loved and taught him – who protected him.
Celebrada el primer domingo después de Navidad, la fiesta de la Sagrada Familia está apropiadamente ubicada en el calendario litúrgico, vinculando la Encarnación de Jesús con la familia humana que lo amó y educó, que lo protegió.
“The nativity scene is like a living Gospel rising up from the pages of sacred Scripture.” – Pope Francis’ Apostolic Letter, Admirabile Signum, “On the meaning and importance of the Nativity scene”, 2019
“El belén, en efecto, es como un Evangelio vivo, que surge de las páginas de la Sagrada Escritura”. – Carta apostólica del Santo Padre Francisco, Admirabile Signum, “Sobre el significado y el valor del belén”, 2019
In December 1545, the Council of Trent began its work of clarifying doctrine and purifying the inner life of the Church as a response to challenges presented by the Protestant Reformation.
En diciembre de 1545, el Concilio de Trento inició su labor de clarificar la doctrina y purificar la vida interior de la Iglesia como respuesta a los desafíos presentados por la Reforma Protestante.
Casi todos los fines de semana de otoño, mi familia y yo cruzamos la ciudad en busca de rosquillas de azúcar y canela, así como manzanas acarameladas de la mejor fábrica de sidra de Michigan.