Let us focus on generosity, or returning God's gifts with increase, through the generous sharing of our time, talent and treasure.
We invite parishes to include these scriptures from the Sunday Mass and the accompanying relection in your weekly bulletin and on yoursocial media page. Resources available at: Weekly Bible Reflections | Bulletin Inserts | About Stewardship | Archdiocese of St Louis (archstl.org)
Questions...contact Amy in the Office of Stewardship 308-382-6565
Sample Stewardship Scripture Reflection
God made us to be in realtionship with Him. He loves each of us individually. Through sin, our relationship with God was broken. He gave us Jesus to restore our relationship. Being a disciple of Jesus, we are given the model to obtain eternal life in Heaven. Christmas isn't about the material gifts we receive, it's about the love that God, Our Father, gave us by giving us His Son, Jesus - the best gift we could ever receive.