Time: November 2022 & Ongoing
Schools are asked to revive the “Vocation Crucifix” program, whereby a special crucifix travels to a new class each week. Each day has a special set of prayers for children to pray aloud. Parishes can also use this program, sending the crucifix home with a new family each week.
Recommended Days: Sep 25, Feb 2, April 30, June 16
There is an undeniable link between Eucharistic Adoration and a thriving vocations culture! In 2022-2023, parishes are asked to hold special Holy Hours for Vocations.
Time: First week of November
Catholic schools should be fertile soil for vocations! All schools in our diocese are asked to use the Vocation Lessons online curriculum, which teaches kids at every grade level about marriage, priesthood, religious life, and how to listen to God’s call.
Teacher login: queenofvocations
Student login: marymostholy
Time: January 31
We’re declaring the Feast of St. John Bosco as a day to support our seminarians! A variety of activities are planned for schools and Faith Formation classes, including Zoom calls with seminarians and special postcards kids can color and mail.
Time: During the school year
Just as we counsel teens on choosing a career path, we should offer support as they think about their vocations. The Learn to Discern workbook has excellent readings, discussion questions, and assignments. The diocese is inviting all Confirmation students to complete the booklet before receiving the sacrament.
Time: early May
Parishes are asked to consider giving all second-grade students a special book that has a vocation theme. The book planned for 2023 is The Unsolvable Problem, by Mother Clare Matthiass, CFR. It’s a beautifully illustrated, delightful true story that teaches kids about religious life with humor, verve, and imagination.
Dates: First week in October
The Newman Center at UNK and Chadron hold a retreat each year that is very well-attended by students, and include spiritual directors from various dioceses and religious orders. The theme is encountering Jesus and learning ways to discern one’s direction in life.
Date: Monday of Vocations Awareness Week
Visiting a seminary is one of the best ways to “demystify” the priesthood for teens. When they visit, young men participate in prayer, talks, sports, and meals with seminarians. Likewise, when teen girls visit the School Sisters of Christ the King, they learn about convent life and the vital mission of the sisters. They pray together, share meals, and get to talk with real sisters who share about their lives. Open to all high school juniors, from both Catholic schools and public schools.
Times: Fall Semester
Bishop Hanefeldt and Vocation Director Fr. Neal Hock are planning special dinners at our two Newman Centers. Our priests are invited to join young people for a night focused on vocations, including prayer, dinner, and sharing vocations stories.
Times: Fall and Spring Semesters
Discerning one’s vocation isn’t just a “me and God” process—it’s best done with the help of other like-minded companions. Our hope is to begin special men’s and women’s discernment groups at both UNK and Chadron Newman Center.
Date: First Sunday to Saturday in November
All parishes are asked to make an all-out effort to celebrate National Vocations Awareness Week. This is a time for parish staff and leadership to be creative and find grassroots ways to encourage young people to consider Christian marriage, priesthood, and religious life. The diocese will be sending out packets in October to facilitate the celebration of this week.
Date: 4th Sunday of Easter (Good Shepherd Sunday)
The entire Church unites to pray for vocations on the Fourth Sunday of Easter. We would like to make this a special day in our diocese, with rosaries, holy hours, and other programs to “beg the harvest master to send forth laborers for his harvest.”